
Your Super Power is Awareness

How to meditate for you and your family. How to meditate with your family.

It is the concept of taking Slices of time to daydream, to simply be. Author Amanda Montell says when she does so “my brain thanks me”.

She remarks that in this age of constant stimulation there is a new phenomenon - especially prevalent among teenage girls - called TikTok Use Disorder.

Other social scientists are helping bring awareness to an idea that is rapidly catching on. So much so that there are whole cafes dedicated to the concept of dopamine fasting. It has spurred also some maladaptive practices, but author of Dopamine Nation, Dr. Anna Lembke, explains how we can break cycles by unplugging once in a while. It too begins with the super power of Awareness.

Caveate: Some meditation ‘groups’ have been known to practice something called Thought Terminating clichés to preserve a leadership’s position of power. It is something to be aware of. Thought Terminating clichés are vocabulary designed to end an argument with brief and simplistic phrases that cause people to stop their critical thought. If you do want to learn more about this, author of Wordslut, and her 2024 book, The Age of Magical Overthinking, Amanda Montell discussed Thought Terminating clichés further in her book, Cultush, as well as in her NPR interview.

It should be noted that taking time to daydream, to meditate should be opportunities to expand thought freely through daydreaming, opening the cage door so to speak.

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Mindfulness is a love affair with your life




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